Tag Archives: Mentor Blog 3

Mentor Blog 3

Street and Smith’s Sports Business Journal Daily

John Bitz

November 27, 2019

Mentor Blog 3

            When people read about what is happening in the wide world of sports on the internet, they usually end up reading the same articles repeatedly week after week. They usually are based on a similar theme such as power rankings or how a team is preparing for their next opponent. They almost never detail what is going on with a sport teams business management and their fan attendance. This is what makes Street and Smith’s Sports Business Daily, a truly unique sports blog because it reports sport news from a business perspective and gives an good inside look into what is happening within many sports teams internal structure for the past 25 years.

            This is put into action in their latest article about how new Kansas City Royals Chairman and CEO John Sherman plans to build sustained success for his hometown team. In this article, they referenced how Mr. Sherman plans to let the fans of the Royals hear his voice and understand his priorities about how the Royals plan to get back to the top of the MLB. They also referenced how Mr. Sherman previously worked for the Cleveland Indians in an upper managerial position and paid around $1 Billion dollars to buy the Royals, while having his entire ownership group consist of people who have been natives of the Kansas City Area pretty much their entire lives. This is real in-depth information that is rare to find in most articles and websites.

            Their layout of their website is very nice as it has their latest articles right on their homepage for you to access. It has sections about the Morning Buzz, Closing Bell, Global News, and Weekend Rap which give you all the latest sports news you can imagine. Now I must point out that you need to subscribe to read their articles, but it is quick and simple, and it shouldn’t cost you anything. If you get the chance, you should visit this sports blog as it reports sports news from a business standpoint and its relevant, contemporary and edgy perspective will leave you hungry to read more.

                                                            Works Cited

About Us, www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Corporate/About-Us.aspx.

“Sherman Hopes To Build Sustained Success For Hometown Royals.” Sports Business Daily, 27 Nov. 2019, www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Daily/Issues/2019/11/27/Franchises/Royals.aspx.

Street and Smith’s Sports Business Daily, www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Daily.aspx.